
No I’m not talking about the 1990 movie starring Bill Murray… although there are times when robbing a bank seems easier than business. 😉

Seriously, Bill Murray as a clown though – creepy, right? Actually, come to think of it, all clowns are pretty creepy.

I mean, why are they smiling all the time, and what is with those giant pockets?!?

SO ANYWAYS, where was I? …Quick Change!


The third installment to Bill’s Lessons is Quick Change.

The Business World is constantly reshaping itself, shifting, flexing, and transforming to keep up with a rapidly changing economy with consumers who are getting smarter and smarter.

Entrepreneurs can be stubborn (don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret), but sticking to something because it works can be dangerous. What worked yesterday may not work today.

Entrepreneurs must evolve and FAST! Resistance is futile.

Granted, change can be painful in certain cases. When change damages your business and reputation it’s hard to buy-in the next time the opportunity for something new comes along.

I don’t have any brilliant ideas on how to adapt to change but I do have 4 simple steps to get you through:

1) Push through it like a frickin’ bulldozer;

2) Enjoy the ride;

3) Shoot for rapid recovery;

4) Be personally accountable for the results.

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