Quick Change


No I’m not talking about the 1990 movie starring Bill Murray… although there are times when robbing a bank seems easier than business. 😉

Seriously, Bill Murray as a clown though – creepy, right? Actually, come to think of it, all clowns are pretty creepy.

I mean, why are they smiling all the time, and what is with those giant pockets?!?

SO ANYWAYS, where was I? …Quick Change!


The third installment to Bill’s Lessons is Quick Change.

The Business World is constantly reshaping itself, shifting, flexing, and transforming to keep up with a rapidly changing economy with consumers who are getting smarter and smarter.

Entrepreneurs can be stubborn (don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret), but sticking to something because it works can be dangerous. What worked yesterday may not work today.

Entrepreneurs must evolve and FAST! Resistance is futile.

Granted, change can be painful in certain cases. When change damages your business and reputation it’s hard to buy-in the next time the opportunity for something new comes along.

I don’t have any brilliant ideas on how to adapt to change but I do have 4 simple steps to get you through:

1) Push through it like a frickin’ bulldozer;

2) Enjoy the ride;

3) Shoot for rapid recovery;

4) Be personally accountable for the results.

“Normal Gets You Nowhere” – Kelly Cutrone

Amy’s Rating – LOVE IT!

Be warned, this book is not only empowering but will have you adding the word f*ck, and it’s many variations (f*cking, f*cker, motherf*cker, etc…), at sometimes inappropriate times and places.

That being said…


“I want you to f*ck this earth with your energy.”


That phrase needs it’s own line, doesn’t it? Kelly Cutrone writes this in the introduction of her new book “Normal Gets You Nowhere.” A harsh yet powerful, mantra-worthy phrase that sends home the message to be your real and authentic self – OWN IT!

Often, we see the “crazies” or “weirdos” of the world – you know, like that guy who claims to channel God, that “sensitive” guy that cries all the time, that girl who’s a powerhouse; or in the author’s case, the woman who wears all black and no make-up … you get the idea. We judge, while quietly wishing we had the nerve to be THAT authentic.

It reminds me of one of my favourite excerpts “Our Deepest Fear” from the book “Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson.


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do… And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


Got it?


Now, while tuning into your authentic self, it’s time to tap into your intuition.

I learned this lesson the hard way, and my hope is that you don’t! Choose your clients, partners, team members, and anyone else connected to your business CAREFULLY! Follow your intuition and don’t work with ANYone if it doesn’t feel right and isn’t aligned with your values and vision. Kelly Cutrone writes about her former business partner who didn’t follow this rule, and so by default she didn’t either – resulting in the two of them being thrown under the bus (figuratively speaking – if that’s not obvious). Now she writes, “I don’t represent anyone I don’t believe in and genuinely enjoy being a mouthpiece for.” In my opinion, this is THE most important lesson in business –  hands-f*cking-down!

Cutrone also touches on a life lesson that has become very real to me recently. At the HayHouse conference in Vancouver, I heard Caroline Myss talk about a very sad truth – we live in a disposable society: razors, paper plates…people! Kelly Cutrone’s fix? The No Matter What Club. “Think of it as a list… [of people] you’re choosing to take life’s journey with, through thick and thin, shame and excess, failure and victory.” I can’t even begin to describe how important I feel this concept is. The book mirrors the same views shared on a stage by Myss, that can be summed up with this:

“Most of us are too quick to call people friends, too quick to say ‘I love you,’ and too quick to write people off forever. Instead, we need to accept that whoever we decide to truly love and call a friend will inevitably let us down in our lifetime… the truth is, is if we keep running away from everyone who hurts or betrays us, we will ultimately end up alone.” I could NOT have said it better!


I can keep on going for a REALLY long time about all the gems in this book, but I don’t want to spoil it for you. Cutrone covers everything from the holidays, human suffering, Universal Motherhood, good deeds, business lessons, and death. AND covers it all in a voice that speaks in my fucking language! It’s about time.


Agree or disagree with my review – would love to hear it! Please post to comments or e-mail me directly at amylafleche@gmail.com.

If you don’t already own Normal Gets You Nowhere by Kelly Cutrone, you can purchase it securely
through my Amazon affiliate link below. Yes, I’m taking a cut – read more about that here.



Behave Like an Entrepreneur

The second installment to “Bill’s Lessons” is all about the Entrepreneurial Spirit. This is for Business Owners AND Employees alike!

When we talk about Entrepreneurship, a lot of the time employees are excluded from the conversation. This does NOT have to be the case. There are many ways to keep your Entrepreneurial spirit alive and well within an organization.

Lesson #2. Behave Like You’re in Business for Yourself

Whether you’re an Entrepreneur in the traditional sense or an Intra-preneur (an Entrepreneur in an Employee role), there is really only one way to look at your “role” … as the owner. Business is becoming more and more flat – fewer layers and less hierarchy. This gives everyone the chance to shine, or as Robin Sharma would say, the chance to “lead without title.”

Business is reshaping to become more Entrepreneurial – creating freedom for their employees. When people are able to make decisions quickly and able to be more self-directed, they become empowered individuals. This allows for more power, information, and responsibility to flow through.

So it doesn’t matter if you’re an Entrepreneur or and Employee, forget about your “job description!” I’ve played in both of these roles and my pet peeve has always been the “it’s not my job” or “it’s not in my job description” mentality. You are a leader and the owner of your domain so behave in that way! Now go on, and let your Entrepreneurial Spirit shine!!


The Adventures of a GHD

As we were corresponding with Rashmi about the trip we had asked her what she thought we could bring for the kids. We were thinking t-shirts, skipping ropes, maybe a few balls. That’s when she came back at us with a GHD.

As far as CrossFit equipment goes, aside from maybe a rower, a GHD has to be the largest and heaviest piece of equipment there is. We found out later that Rashmi didn’t really expect for us to get a GHD all the way to India, little did she know how determined our little group can be! To be completely truthful though, we weren’t really sure we would be able to pull it off either – but we were sure going to try! Here’s the story of the GHD…




On August 21, 2006 I arrived to my cubicle ready for another ordinary day, doing ordinary work, at an ordinary job. As usual, I was scrambling to get settled in fast because I was late… again! (I’ve always had a really strong work ethic as long as punctuality didn’t count).

On my chair, was a memo from the boss who over the next year became my mentor. Bill was the greatest boss a young Entrepreneur-stuck-at-a-job could ask for. He knew about my dreams to own my own business and took me under his wing.

This memo introduced me to a series of lessons I would get every week for 13 weeks, which I’ll be sharing on here over the coming weeks. I won’t be posting the lessons word-for-word. Mostly because I can’t find the source to credit, so you’re going to get my translation and version of them.

Lesson #1. Practice Kaizen

I’m starting with this one because Kaizen just happens to be my motto for 2011.

This word was given to me at the beginning of this year by my personal trainer/coach/health mentor. It’s Japanese for ‘continuous improvement.’

So when, not one, but TWO mentors give you the same philosophy you should probably take a closer look, right?!

Kaizen means continuous and incremental gains… bit-by-bit, day-by-day. These incremental gains done continuously will eventually add up to some rockstar results – and in business that looks like a valuable competitive advantage.

This philosophy will keep you reaching and stretching to outdo yesterday. Without it, you will lose ground.

Tom Peters puts it this way, “Good quality is a stupid idea. The only thing that counts is your quality getting better at a more rapid rate… It’s real simple. If we’re not getting more, better, faster than they are getting more, better, faster, then we’re getting less better or more worse.”

Your productivity, response time, quality, cost control, and customer service should all show steady gains and your skills should be in a state of constant renewal.

Now insert this philosophy into any area of your life and see what happens.

Cool word, huh? 😉

“Crush It!” – Gary Vaynerchuk


Amy’s Rating – LOVE IT!

“Crush It!” reads like Gary Vaynerchuk speaks.  Which means I finished the book in record time and I may have developed a twitch of some sort from absorbing all that hyper energy. Overall it was an easy and fun read that got me fired right up so I don’t recommend it as a ‘before-you-go-to-bed’ kind of book.

I (obviously) expected the book to talk about social media, considering it’s the author’s claim to fame.* “Crush It!” turned out to be so much more. Sure it’s important to keep up with the ever-changing tools of social media, but as Gary says, “they are only powerful as the person who uses them.”

He delves into the depths of authenticity – SO crucial in building a personal brand! I’ve personally seen it too many times. Someone jumps on Facebook for the first time and starts posting random links and thoughts that don’t look, feel, or smell authentic… and worse, they do it every 2 minutes. I see this and immediately start scrambling to find the ‘unfriend’ or the more gentler ‘hide’ button. I make the exception for my dear Dad. Bless his heart, he’s trying and is new to this whole computer thing. (Just kidding, Dad – he’s one of the few readers I have right now, I should be nicer). 😉

Second to personal authenticity, is being true to your platform DNA. This is where me and Twitter have it out. I’m making an honest attempt at ‘tweeting’ (is that even what it’s called?) and probably breaking all tw-etiquette (yah, I made that up). This is my 3rd or 4th attempt at it and I’m by no means ‘crushing it’ on this platform. Seriously, come check out the mess I’m making – you can Follow Me on Twitter Here.

Gary recommends to use platforms that are right for your DNA. If you’re a talker/listener-type communicator, podcasts or video blogs are probably you’re deal. If you’re a writer/reader type communicator (like me) then an old-school written blog is probably more you’re thing.

But Amy, this is a WRITTEN blog so what’s your deal with Twitter?

Yes I’m a writer, and yes I suck at Twitter. Here’s why… Sure, I get to “write” on Twitter but condensing my thoughts to 140 characters is no small feat. It’s not in my DNA to be that condensed and so will Twitter stick? Maybe with a little discipline and force. I’m attempting to bend my DNA slightly to reach my market.  Will you ever see me do a video blog? Not bloody likely! I know my role and if you’ve ever seen my attempts at video blogs you would understand, (evidence of this has been destroyed – sorry!).

The bottom line is that you have to be true to your DNA! Inauthenticity** doesn’t stick. “Too many people ignore their DNA… to conform to what their families or society expects of them.”

The double helix thing was the biggest take away for me from this book, but there are a ton more gems to be discovered – everything from legacy, to passion, to family, right through to some great business ideas.

If this book doesn’t get you fired up, you may want to question whether or not you have the Entrepreneurial gene. Quite frankly, I would go as far as to say, you may want to question if you’re even human! 😉


*Vaynerchuk made it onto Conan O’Brien within 18-months of launching Wine Library TV – impressive even today, but especially back in 2006!

**Making up my own words like “inauthenticity” is part of my DNA. So if you’re an English major – deal! 😛


Agree or disagree with my review – would love to hear it! Please post to comments or e-mail me directly at amylafleche@gmail.com.

If you don’t already own Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk, you can purchase it securely
through my Amazon affiliate link below. Yes, I’m taking a cut – read more about that here.



Image 2 (Gary Vaynerchuk) Credit: www.mixergy.com

7 Ways to Attract Your Tribe of Obsessive Clients


As I’m sitting here with my Apple Powerbook, which has my iPhone and iPod plugged into it, drooling over the iPad 2, I have to wonder – is Steve Jobs brainswashing me?

I’ve come to the only logical conclusion… YES.

I would get angry about this kind of thing… normally… but I’m too busy bopping along to the fun background music from the 5-minute long commercial that I’ve watched at least 4 times… today.

I was concerned for Apple awhile back when it was clear that Steve Jobs had become a legend. The market, myself included, was buying based on what Steve Jobs was saying.* So, what happens AFTER Steve Jobs?God/Buddha/Krishna, (or whatever you believe in), forbid!

Enter Michael Tchao and Jony Ive, the design and marketing guys behind Apple who are starting to appear in Apple videos. Nice move, Steve Jobs, nice move… well-spoken, handsome men talking iPad specs, with an accent?! Where is my credit card?

So, accent aside, what’s the Apple secret? Why do we get obsessive about Apple and keep coming back for more? And, most importantly, how can we apply the Apple-factor to our own businesses?

As a slightly neurotic fan** of Apple and a member of the Steve Jobs tribe I’ve done a little digging. Because really, based on my iPhone that has more glitches than a PC running Windows ME, why the hell am I so excited to get my new iPhone 4 and iPad 2? Clearly it’s not JUST about the products. Don’t get me wrong, Apple has done amazing things as far as innovation but their products are glitchy little things. Talk to anyone with an iPhone 3 that installed the irreversible and pretty much fatal update.

So here it is, my 2 cents…


7 Ways to Attract Your Tribe of Obsessive Clients

1. The Launch Process

Build hype and excitement around the release of new products / services like Tiffany did at malls in the 80’s. If you don’t know Tiffany, you’re too young to be reading my blog. 😉

Now, just in case you’re done bopping along to the Apple commercial, bop along to this. Well, unless you’re in public, then don’t… people will judge you.


2. Create an Event

Build an event around the new product or service – online or offline or both! We’re all guilty of this – we create something and get so excited about unleashing it to the masses that we throw it out there all at once and overwhelm the consumer – if they even care. Be PATIENT! Make a plan and stick to it!

3. What it is vs. What it does

If I weren’t such a geek, I wouldn’t care too much about the tech specs – most consumers don’t. Talk about how it’s going to make my life easier and what your product/service are going to do to revolutionize the way I live my life!

4. Insane in the Membrane

Hit them on both sides of the brain. Not literally, please. Right side first. Get them excited and help them imagine what life would be like with your product or service. Then, move on over to the left side and arm them with some rational and logical ammo.

5. Create a Relationship

You want people talking. Give them that space either through a Facebook page, discussion forum, or whatever works for your market. Also, provide them with a way to contact you directly. Gary Vaynerchuk has done this on a mass level and does an awesome job at it. Seriously, e-mail him at gary@vaynermedia.com – I have, many times. I always get a response and now I know his e-mail address without looking it up. I don’t even know my own mother’s e-mail address without looking it up. When you’re questioning what to do here, ask yourself  – What would Gary Vee do?

6. Build Your List

Collect the names and emails of people interested in your shit. I don’t care how you do it, I don’t care if they’re not ready to buy yet, and I don’t even care if you don’t believe me. I promise you, they will come in handy at some point… if you’re not capturing names you might as well quit now! On that note, look on to the right side of this page, you may have to scroll up a bit. See that giant red button? Enter your name and email there to join MY list and hit it! Got it? 😉

7. Call to Action

Don’t forget this part. Seems obvious, but you’d be surprised. I can get REALLY excited about your new product/service but if I don’t know how to get my greasy paws on it right away, I will forget. I’m human like that – most consumers are.


* – Don’t argue with me on this point – some of you are still in denial about this – but be honest with yourself! The technology itself is cool, but there are tons of replicas available for a lot less without the Apple symbol that work just as good if not better.

** – not as neurotic as those crazies that wait in line for 8 hours, but neurotic nonetheless.

Lessons from Eau Claire

Eau Claire Market has always been my favourite spot in Calgary – either to meet friends for coffee at The Bean Stop (best coffee in Calgary – hands down! I recommend the Jamaican Blue Mountain), or to check out my favourite stores like the Tibetan Trom store.

There’s a little store with a tacky sign called Gift Plus, that in previous visits, I always walked past. It seemed messy and cluttered, and the window display of ceramic horses never impressed me much. Yesterday, when I found my usual stop Amos & Andes to be empty and closed 🙁 I decided to take a shot at Gifts Plus.

I walked around unimpressed for a few minutes – me and my judgement. It’s messy. The owner is reading a newspaper and not paying attention to me. Do people really buy ceramic frogs?

Then I came across a pile of art. It caught my eye because my power animal, the raven, was sitting front and center. (Pictured above is work by a Canadian artist Bill Reid).

The owner noticing my sudden explosion of interest came over and started to tell me about how he got the art, where it came from, and all about the artists, with rockstar enthusiasm and the kind of pride I only ever really see in small business owners.

My experience took a 180.

He continued to walk me around the store to show me other things that he thought I might be interested in (sans that awkward pressure to BUY). “I’ve learned your taste, I know you’re power animal. That’s what I do. I will show you what you like” he said. I couldn’t argue, he very quickly figured out my taste and it was nice to share the joy in Canadian Art with someone who knew their stuff.



Lessons from Eau Claire:

1) If you are a business owner, take the time to care for your context – whether it’s a store front, restaurant, or YOU! A little effort goes a long way.
2) If you’re a consumer, take a chance once in awhile and don’t always judge a book by it’s cover. Sometimes, it’s okay. 😉
3) Take the time to learn what you’re selling, educate your clients, and take the time to treat them well.
4) If you’re a consumer in Calgary, spend some time at Eau Claire market and learn from the merchants – they really know how to create community through business.

The Ultimate Entrepreneur’s Playlist (In Progress…)

Submissions by: Stacey Hemminger-Revitt, Hailey Seidel, Monica Culic, Chelsea LaBossiere, Jay Fiset, Christine Johanson-Lumgaire, Tyson Dory, Lisa Dawood, Karen Rowe, Tim Miller, Armando Ruggeri

1. “The Climb” – Miley Cyrus

2. “Start Me Up” – The Rolling Stones

3. “Mony, Mony” – Billy Idol

4. “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” – Brian Hyland

5. “Don’t Give Up” – Peter Gabriel

6. “If I Were a Rich Girl” – Gwen Stefani

7. “Beautiful Day” – U2

8. “Sign of a Victory” – R.Kelly feat. Soweto Spiritual Singers

9. “Let’s Get Loud” – Jennifer Lopez

10. “Lose Yourself” – Eminem

11. “Right Here, Right Now” – Fatboy Slim

12. “Baby You’re a Rich Man” – The Beatles

13. “This Is Your Life” – Switchfoot

14. “I Believe In You” – Amanda Marshall

…do you have a song you want to see on the playlist? A tune that lifts your Entrepreneurial Spirit? Make sure to add it to comments below!!